Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mayweather vs Pacqio

A heavy solid gold chain adorns Floyd “Money” Mayweathers neck;
similar to the Egyptians; symbolically representing a sign of wealth.
His clothing speaks volume about his image and street persona. Opulent
jewelry is associated with wealth. Historically this picture
represents the excess of the “Me Generation” before the economic
bubble popped. Culturally it defines the dysfunctional relationship
that African Americans traditionally associate wealth. Instead of
investing in stocks and bonds: professional athletes wear their net
worth around their neck; Blinged Out.
Floyd Mayweather is making a subliminal dis to boxing. By not
appearing in the photo with ring attire, he is making a statement.
Standing in the center of the ring his prurient interest in boxing is
perverted by his need for self-promotion. Hedonism trumps
The underlying theme is Pretty Boy Mayweather is larger than the sport
of boxing. His moniker, Floyd “Make Money” would support that
assertion. Ironically had I chosen a different photo I could have
shown a more balanced narrative and ethos of this complicated man. In
fact some naysayer’s and boxing affection may say his braggadocios
ways and well warranted.
An objective observer would recognize his boxing pedigree. His uncle
and dad are former WBC boxers. Pound for Pound this undefeated
champion has enhanced the profitability of the sport. Besides lifting
boxing out of its doldrums with the exception of retired boxer and
promoter; Oscar De LaHoya, he is one of sports most bankable stars.
His considerable talents have made casinos and cable television
billions of dollars. His brand has made him $20 million dollars and
legions of new fans imitating another boxing legend; Muhammad Ali. He
fought a professional wrestler in Vince McMahon’s WWE franchise.

This tactic is part of our historical consciousness; emblazoned in
popular folklore; characterized on film in the Rocky movies. However
his ethos is more remiscent of a cartoon movie, Run Chicken Run as he
ducks out of fighting Manny Pacquio on bogus grounds. He refuses to
fight Manny Pacquio because he wants him to submit to drug testing;
However he did not demand these same criteria for his May 7th fight
with former boxer champ, Sugar Shane Mosley.

Saul Bass said “sometime we design for our peers and not to solve
communication problems“. This resembles my feeble attempt to justify
my selection of the above for mentioned photo. However to showcase
other perspectives in visual communication; depth light, coloring, et
al. I chose this picture of Manny Pacquio.
Photojournalists bore easily taking photo of staged and sporting
events, i.e., politicians 2 ribbon cutting ceremonies; athletes taking
victory lap around the ring. A healthy dose of skeptism is involved
when viewing these photos by spin doctors, publicists, or artistic
types. Images are used to evoke a positive response for their clients
an unsuspecting public.
Unless you have the back-story you don’t know the true intent or
propaganda campaign promulgated. Pugilist wearing the coveted belt
adoring their magnificent body are there to evoke pathos. An emotional
response dripped into symbolism. This iconic photo represents an image
of what it is supposed to show. Manny Pacquio, a boxer emerging
victorious in the ring.
In stark contrast to Mayweather pictorial images; the photos
exemplified in the Juan Marquez fight has political and cultural
underpinning. The images from the fight highlight British philosopher:
Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart code. Utilitarianism - the greatest
good for the greatest number of people. Manny Pacquio embodies the
American dream to his fellow countrymen and immigrants. Furthermore;
he has leveraged this good will to become a legislator from the
Philippines. His sense of pride and visual cues of having the
Philippines flag in the backdrop of his boxing photos with three green
championship rings will help him leverage advertising and economic
opportunities for his homeland. Light radiates energy and a sense of
passion and warmth. The boxing belts radiate prosperity and wealth.
His photo represents depth and mood. Despite the fact he seems happy
for winning the fight his face belies the look of a determined
journeyman. Manny Pacquio has arrived! Historical references allude to
him as an undisputed, “People Champ” Elder statesman of the sport.

Manny Pacquio star continues to shine brightly inside and outside the squared circle. His athletic prowess and compassionate nature has allowed him to reach the top echelon of political power in his native homeland. This Philippine legislator has used his celebrity status to highlight the problems of the poor and encourage global communities to invest in this third world country via tourism. This patron saint of boxing has aroused interest from another iconic figure, Nelson Mandela. His daughter tried to coax Floyd Mayweather out of retirement to fight the peoples champ. However,  Floyd Mayweather continues to duck the heavyweight champ many boxing fans consider the best boxer “pound for pound”.

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